This year the Sun entered Scorpio late on October 22nd and will stay in this sign until November 21st. Scorpio is often called the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac and it’s no wonder. The themes it invites us to explore – sex, death, transformation, power and our innermost emotional landscape – aren’t things that are openly talked about. In fact, those with strong Scorpio energy will often come across as very secretive, though not necessarily through any fault of their own. It’s just that they are taught from a young age that it’s bad manners, perhaps even downright offensive, to talk about the things that interest and fascinate them.
During the Sun’s yearly transit through this sign, we are all called in to deep introspection. Perhaps we may even be forced to look at things about ourselves that we have ignored and are uncomfortable facing. This is not to torture us, but instead it allows us to transform that which is holding us back. The transformation may come with a death or an ending of one kind – a job, a home, a relationship – only in order to bring us something new which is in a much higher alignment with our chosen path. These transition periods can be turbulent and uncomfortable, but looking back you wouldn’t want it to have happened any other way.
If this is you right now, here are three top tips for mastering emotional resilience to help you ride the way in the smoothest and easiest way possible:
Ground Yourself
When emotions become intense and things start feeling out of our control, it is easy to become ungrounded and fall deep into a spiral of our own mind. Going for a walk in nature is one of the quickest and most effective ways to find balance again. Even better if you can ground yourself with bare feet on soil or sand. The vast beauty of nature has a tendency to make us and our problems feel small in the best possible way.
Be Creative
While it may be tempting to reach for distractions when emotions run high – whether that’s social media, TV, video games or even shopping, gambling, alcohol or other substances – these only ever offer temporary relief and often make us feel even worse afterwards, adding guilt and shame to the already potent emotional mix. That’s because consuming more is only adding to an already overloaded system. Finding a way to be creative on the other hand can offer up a way to release emotions and transmute them into something productive. This could be through drawing or painting, making music, crafting, cooking or baking, woodworking, sewing – or anything that piques your interest.
Be Compassionate with Yourself
Transformations can take a lot out of us. Be mindful of your own inner self talk. Placing high expectations on yourself during these times – and then potentially beating yourself up when you inevitably struggle to reach them – is only making things unnecessarily difficult. Treat yourself the way you would a good friend and remind yourself that it’s ok to feel all the feelings coming up right now, as this is only a temporary phase.